Friday, March 11, 2016

Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

There is a Tony Robbin's quote that I keep on my kitchen counter.  It reads: "Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone."  This place beyond is where we grow and become stronger and where we learn about life and living and others.

The new man in my life noticed and read aloud that quote last weekend.  My response was, Yes.  I am a normally chatty person but didn't have anything to add at the time.  He did not ask or say more - not unusual since he is a quiet person.

But I have been looking at that quote closer this week.  Perhaps because it was a week where I was stretched even more.  It was uncomfortable - on the edge of painful - but I realized that getting through this week will result in a greater ease in previously demanding situations.  And I am not even through the week yet - I still have a stretch to my comfort zone later today.  

I am learning to embrace the difficult and realize that it is fun and exciting to push at my self-imposed limitations.  Why not just smile, hug myself and step forward - even if it feels like there might not be a step there?  There is a step even though I might not see it right away.  It takes trust and faith and some days will be easier to do that than others.  But that is okay.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Book Review USE THE FORCE - A Jedi's Guide to the Law of Attraction

USE THE FORCE - A Jedi's Guide to the Law of Attraction by Joshua P. Warren

I checked this book out of the new book section of my local library but am now reading it for a second time which means that its time to purchase a copy for myself.  

In preparing to USE the Force, the author simply states that we should stay away from things that make us feel bad (especially people). His ideas are simple and profound at the same time.  

One example for me is:
" flows where attention goes" - quoted from Hawaiian philosophy is linked to Obi-Wan explaining to Luke, "The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded."  The author goes on to say to only pay attention to that which strengthens us and avoid that we makes us feel weaker - physically and mentally.

I personally have been working with Tony Robbin's Mastery courses and events, learning this mentally.  It can also relate to eating and drinking that which makes us physically weaker.  This is a lesson that I am still wrestling with but am close to winning.

I'll continue to add more personal insights from this book.  I love this author's style and message.

Celtic Dragonfly 14K Gold over Bronze

A dragonfly was once a spiritual messenger to comfort me when my husband had passed away suddenly. They are special Souls on our planet.

This Celtic style dragonfly pendant necklace is now available in our eBay store.