Friday, January 15, 2016

Think back to your favorite Valentine's day.  Was it a quiet evening alone with someone special or an extravagant night out or one of many variations in between?  After selling jewelry for 18 years, I've been amazed at how men buy Valentine's Day gifts.  There was the occasional man who knew exactly what his wife liked. Shopping for jewelry was very easy for these men and they would brag that their wives often wore the pieces they bought.

There were others that bought their wives or partners what they like (not what she likes) then complained that she never seemed to wear any of his gifts.  

Most often, I'd see panic and confusion so I'd ask the men, what types of jewelry does she wear each day.  Is her ears pierced?  Does she wear small or large earrings?  Have you ever seen her wear a necklace or bracelet?  Does she prefer gold or silver?  Rings are the trickiest - they need to know style AND size. These questions helped some and confused others more since they couldn't remember what she wears.

Back when we were doing shows and festivals, I noticed that dolphins were a favorite especially among women.  They make us smile, they open our hearts and they are fun to wear.  In the next day or so, we will be adding two styles of sterling silver heart shaped dolphin pendant necklaces to our eBay store.  They make a fun Valentine's Day gift for a new romance, for a friend or for a young girl.  And if that someone special loves pendants and loves silver and loves dolphins - you've hit the jackpot.

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